Ben Kessler Strives to Find Balance on "Cruise Control"

Something we pride ourselves on most is being able to follow an artist from the very beginning and watch them blossom before our eyes. We've seen it done with so many extremely talented artists, including one of our favorites, Ben Kessler. We've covered Kessler since the very beginning, and we're thrilled to be covering his impressive growth on "Cruise Control."
This past year has seen some unprecedented times. From one extreme to the next, it's unbelievably hard to find that inner balance you truly need to feel stable. That's the narrative told in "Cruise Control." He paints us a picture of feeling like you're literally on cruise control through life, but never pulling over to really evaluate who you are and how fast you're going.. Kessler explains,
"Cruise Control is about bouncing between extremes and trying to find some balance within myself as I try to figure out who I am as an artist & human."
Like everything we've written on Kessler, we continue to say that his current release is the best thing he's put out to date. We don't say that lightly either. Kessler continues to prove himself as an admirable writer and producer. Quickly becoming an up-and-coming self-produced icon, Ben Kessler is undoubtedly set to have an incredible 2021.