Sky McCreery's Vulnerable "Half a Heart" Is Bound to Hit Home

Love fades and hearts break. Reminiscing about the times where you felt like nothing could ever go wrong - Times where you felt like love would last forever and there was no possible way that anything would tarnish the undeniable bond you had grown with your significant other. But sometimes things don't pan out the way you thought they would. That's the story Sky McCreery unfolds in his newest song "half a heart", the first single off of his upcoming EP.
"I've always loved you from the start
But you've been loving me
With half a heart"
McCreery is wise beyond his years. His lyrics speak truth and hit close to home for so many. McCreery's lyrical ability to reach a demographic far beyond his own age is nothing less than impressive. With this latest single, he shows us a vulnerable side many of us haven't seen yet. He displays the heart wrenching reality of love that fades. When you have one person in the relationship pulling all the weight, while the other is only giving half a heart.
The production is crisp. The song begins with just McCreery's soothing vocals and wholesome keys. It lures you into the song with ease. But the hook is where you really begin to feel captivated. The beguiling essence behind the production steers away from the grieving message of lost love, a perfect mix of emotions in one song. McCreery is on his way to a promising career as a singer/songwriter, and we're here for it every step of the way.