Top That Track's Got Your Playlist For the Apocalypse in "The End Is Nigh"

With the world on the brink of a potential pandemic, "The End Is Nigh." While we are all watching boomers stock up on toilet paper and millennials book cheap airfare and pray CoVid-19 won't cancel every summer music fest, Precious and Dave have put together their playlist for the apocalypse.
Take a break from scrubbing your fingernails, and tune in for a unique episode of Top That Track. This time around the duo put together songs to make quarantine go by faster, and even play the last songs they have to hear before they die.
Whose song will Top That Track? After all, this is a battle! You tell us and cast your vote for your favorite song on our Twitter poll. The choice is always yours.
Listen to "TTT 6: The End Is Nigh" below or on Apple Podcasts: