Charli Adams' "Airlifter" Is Devoted to the Magical Power of Friendship

It’s been over a year since beloved indie singer-songwriter Charli Adams has released music, and her return is well worth the wait. In her new alt-pop single “Airlifter,” Adams dedicates her comeback to the overwhelming, protective love of friendship. Adams says “This song is an ode to the give and take in friendships and the way we take turns being the friend that shows up when the other inevitably needs it.” Produced with longtime collaborator Andy Seltzer, Adams honors her sonic roots and taps into '90s nostalgia with this heartwarming devotion.

Opening on a lush guitar intro and Adam’s sentimental first verse, “Airlifter” kicks off with an immediate sense of nostalgia. Her signature vocals are clear and heavy with admiration as she explores the relatability of long-distance friendship. It evokes the best of Y2K pop-rock and teen movie soundtracks but with her singular, modern perspective. In “Airlifter,” Adams fantasizes about running away with her best friend and wanting better for them because they deserve it tenfold. It’s a beautiful way to usher in a new era and connect with listeners on the simple, yet powerful, appreciation of female friendship.

Inspired by a decade-long friendship with a fellow artist, “Airlifter” is as self-reflective as it is appreciative of others. Its comforting melody feels warm and cozy, evoking the magic of childhood—obsessing over bands at sleepovers, sharing hopes and dreams, and other essential girlhood experiences. The concept of being someone’s “Airlifter” is especially soothing and you can hear the potent love in Adam’s voice as she tells her friend she’d do anything for her.

If your love language is sharing music, “Airlifter” is the perfect song to send to your bestie when they’re going through a hard time. With how impactful friendship is in our lives, the amount of music dedicated to it is criminally small. Luckily, Adams has given us a perfect alt-pop ode to friendship to remind us to tell our friends we love them a little more often. 

Listen to "Airlifter" below:

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