Croixx Inspires a Palpable Mood Shift With Label Debut 'How I'm feeling now…' [Q&A]

Photo: Camden Marco

Nonplussed is a state we are often left in; much of our time is spent sifting through hundreds of submissions, numb to the endless onslaught of sameness (still the best job in the world though). Then, something percolates, permeates, and finesses into your inner ear, never letting go thereafter. That is how profoundly welcomed Nevada-based talent Croixx's latest EP, How Im feeling now…, settled itself into our ears and hearts and we’ll insist it does the same to you. Whatever happens to you in the deserts outside of Henderson, Nevada, whatever feelings kick up in the dusty air, the latest from Croixx is made for beautiful pop consumption. Needing to know more, we took our curiosity to his inbox in the hopes of changing how we—and you—are feeling right now for the better.

OnesToWatch: With your debut EP How I'm feeling now... now out, how are you feeling?

Croixx: It feels great to have a brand new body of music out. It also feels great to see everyone’s reactions and favorite songs from the project.

Who is the artist Croixx?  

Croixx is an artist who wants to expand into any genre or sounds that he wants. If I could describe my music I would call it genreless.

What statement did you want to make with your label debut? 

I just wanted to show that I can come out and do something unexpected. I’m not just making the same type of song over and over again.

Any collaborations or features? Who produced the EP? 

I haven’t released any collabs with another artist yet, although I’ve got some cool records with my guy Shaya Zamora. Creating this EP with my Producer Shy Kid was a crazy experience and really allowed me to just lock in with someone since I’m so used to making music by myself. After our first session together we just clicked. I called him and told him I wanted to make an EP with him and we actually made the entire EP in basically a week.

Fresh out of high school, how did you settle on your sound? 

I feel like I am still searching for my sound… I’m just inspired by so much and I’m constantly finding a new sound I want to explore with my music. 

Can we expect more of this style in the future? Or have you already started to lean into new sounds? 

There are always new sounds that I am working on that I am very excited to put out there… Guess you’ll have to stick around and see.

Besides this excellent EP, what else should we be on the lookout for? 

I have an endless supply of new music on the way. I’m constantly creating and I plan on continuing to drop throughout the year. 

What's inspiring you right now outside of music? 

My homies inspire me on the daily with new creative ideas.

I'm in Henderson NV; what do I do? 

If you’re in Henderson, Nevada get prepared for the heat.

Who are your OnesToWatch? 

 I would say my current one to watch would be Tommy Richman he’s making big moves.

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