Dora Jar Explores Personhood in Ethereal Single "She Loves Me"

Photo: Erica Snyder

Dora Jar, the rising star of alt-pop, delves into her identity in her latest single, "She Loves Me." This introspective piece explores the different facets of her personality, drawing from her internal dialogues with her public and private personas.

The track opens with vibey instrumentation led by subdued percussion patterns, thrumming bass lines, and warm, relentless guitar strums. Jar's ethereal, emotive vocals coo over the production, "She's everything I wanted / To be / She always shows up haunted / In a nightgown / Looking like a crumpled napkin / Frozen like a snowy mountain." Amid trippy vocalizations, Jar admits that although she doesn't think she loves or needs her, she knows they love her and later reveals that they also need her to "tone it down."

In the visually captivating music video, Jar, in collaboration with the talented director Erica Snyder, blurs the lines between her public and private life. The vibrant scenes oscillate between Jar's uninhibited dancing at a Berlin apartment party, dressed in nothing but a towel, and her interactions with both familiar faces and strangers.

"This song is an ode to the girl I wish I could be," Jar says about "She Loves Me." It is the first release from Dora Jar since last year's "Puppet," an expressive, glam rock track signaling a new era in Dora's sound. In February, fellow pop maverick Ashnikko tapped Jar to remix her 2023 single "You Make Me Sick!"

Watch the "She Loves Me" video below:

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