From the Site

Indie Duo HOAX Sheds Light on the Looked Over "Unamerican Dream" of Struggling Immigrants
August 16, 2019
"The 'American Dream' sounds wholesome and inspiring, but with the current social and political climate of our country, it almost feels more like a cruel joke..."
Alissa Arunarsirakul

Indie Duo HOAX Celebrates the Simplicity of Being with Infectious "Could"
June 13, 2019
Self-described as an empathy pop band, HOAX is the ultimate master of crafting orgasmic soundscapes with delectable drizzles of indie rock.
Alissa Arunarsirakul

Indie Duo HOAX Sheds Light on the Looked Over "Unamerican Dream" of Struggling Immigrants
August 16, 2019
"The 'American Dream' sounds wholesome and inspiring, but with the current social and political climate of our country, it almost feels more like a cruel joke..."
Alissa Arunarsirakul

Indie Duo HOAX Celebrates the Simplicity of Being with Infectious "Could"
June 13, 2019
Self-described as an empathy pop band, HOAX is the ultimate master of crafting orgasmic soundscapes with delectable drizzles of indie rock.
Alissa Arunarsirakul