Will You Accept Ashe's Rosy New Song "Bachelorette"?

Okay, it isn't exactly rosy, but Ashe's latest single "Bachelorette" will have you begging for a rose from our radiant indie-pop queen. Truly from a different time, Ashe's sweet personality and vocals have captivated us. Currently on an international tour with Quinn XCII, she has successfully been spreading her messages of love and self-acceptance around the world.
Onto a more serious note, following her messy divorce discussed in "Moral of the Story," Ashe releases this song about the struggle at the end of a relationship. The magically melancholic atmosphere Ashe creates in "Bachelorette" is enhanced by production assistance from her close friend, and talented king FINNEAS. Ashe found the right words to say in "Bachelorette," channeling the desperation she felt when the future of her relationship lay in her hands. She comes to the conclusion, "if [she] loses [him] this way, then [she] never had it," that the love wasn't real if it really ends like this.
As enchanting as Ashe is in a studio recorded song, there's something transcendental about her live performance. We got to witness Ashe first hand when she performed "Sometimes People Suck" at our rooftop:
To check out Ashe's playful side, be sure to check out our "Quick 6″ with her below:
Lastly, be sure to catch Ashe on the remaining dates of the Quinn XCII tour down below: