INTRN Revels In Vulnerability, Unravelling the "Seams" of First Love Lost

With each person we choose to give our heart to, pieces of ourselves are inevitably exchanged and the seams that once tethered two together become tattered and frayed. As much as society loves the notion of a “clean break," real love lost is never really "clean." As we venture through the highs and very low lows of the post-breakup terrain, the idea that something is better than nothing at all can become a harrowing cycle. In his latest single, "Seams," INTRN confronts these demons head on, moving closer to closing a chapter in life that had become the initial catalyst for his artistry.
The self-dubbed "not-so-sad sad boy" is very aware of the reoccurring theme of heartbreak at the epicenter of his catalogue. Profoundly affected by first love lost, INTRN has not only used this pain as a muse, but also as a means of processing heartbreak like he never had before. In a world where toxic masculinity is the currency and phrases like "man up" and "boys don't cry" are far too often internalized, INTRN decides to break the stereotype with relentless honesty.
It is this very vulnerability that sets INTRN apart from his peers, garnering a fan-base nearing the several hundred-thousands independently in less than two years. Solidifying his commitment to real self-expression, he refuses to mask the truth in cryptic verbiage or fancy filters, making him an artist that feels remarkably real and overwhelmingly relatable.

"Seams" marks the first single release off his forthcoming EP New Distractions, due Oct. 14. Recently written on a retreat in the woods during quarantine, the song was co-written by friends and frequent collaborators Austin Harms, Luke Shrestha and Timothy Dehnert, a crew who have been making music together since their college days.
An R&B-infused, alternative pop ballad, he openly admits the difficulties he faces in moving on, holding on to anything at all against best judgement, for fear of losing the person he loves entirely. As if stolen from the most private of memoirs on your notes app, the lyrics interlace personal anecdotes with heart-wrenching introspection, allowing the listeners to grieve in tandem with the artist. In his own words,
"'Seams' addresses the reality of breakups not always being clean or cut and dry. It's not easy to give up on a relationship you really care about and through recent experience, the blurry back and forth after the end of a relationship started to take a toll on my mental health and knowing what was best for me." - INTRN
A powerful introduction to his sophomore release, INTRN proves to be an artist in the truest sense, displaying deep personal growth, artistic evolution, and the willingness to be honest, regardless of the consequences.
Listen to "Seams" below!