Joe Avio Ponders on the Pain of Long Distance on "Without Your Love"

My slight obsession with Joe Avio's music continues with his latest single, "Without Your Love." There is a newness to Joe's sound. I am undoubtedly hooked on the unconventional chord pairings that tug at your heartstrings, the perfectly dramatic production elements Joe incorporates, his effortless falsetto, and the relatable lyrics.
"Without Your Love" sounds cool and sultry. It evokes feelings, and as Joe wears his heart on his sleeve you find yourself also reflecting on a personal romantic relationship, whether it be in the past or present. Specifically, "Without Your Love" is about the insecure and challenging nature of long-distance relationships, where sometimes no amount of phone calls and letters feels like enough. Joe says, "As a faithful partner, you start to question not only if you're letting your partner down, but how badly it hurts them. 'Without Your Love' allowed me to realize that maybe it's not up to me, or 'us.' It's all merely the nature of distance - and that's something that is unchanging."
Joe's music speaks for itself. His visual identity on social media appears to be simple yet pensive. The 22-year-old from Victoria, British Columbia professes, "I want as many people as possible to listen and feel the way I did when I created the music."
"Without Your Love" comes as the follow-up to Joe's debut song, "Models," which garnered him over 40k monthly listeners on Spotify and was featured on New Music Friday. Both tracks are seriously impressive, artistic pieces, and we have a lot more to look forward to from Joe Avio.