liily Is on the Verge of a DIY Rock Revolution [NEW ARTIST DISCOVERY]


There is a palpable carnal energy that comes with witnessing liily live. The group of Los Angeles teenagers thrash around on stage, contort themselves, and give themselves over to their frenetic, exhilarating performance with a religious-like fervor. As I watched from the sidelines with equal parts amazement and terror, I felt as if I was in the midst of a hard rock revival. It was the same sort of spiritual experience that I imagined had attracted so many people to the intoxicating rush of punk shows for decades, a nostalgic yet full awareness of your exact place in time.    

And as I watched liily pour every ounce of their blood, sweat, and soul onto that stage, only one question came to mind: "Why isn't everyone listening to liily?" Well, maybe it's only a matter of time. The Los Angeles - based DIY punk band put out their debut EP I Can Fool Anybody in This Town earlier this year to critical acclaim. Despite being the band's first official collection of songs, they are already racking up plays in the millions and could be found gracing the cover of Spotify's New Noise playlist.


The response to liily and their debut EP makes perfect sense, given a single listen. From the heart-racing post-punk undercurrents of "Toro" to the more restrained yet equally adrenaline-charged enveloping soundscape of "Sepulveda Basin," I Can Fool Anybody in This Town  does more than just grab your attention. liily grabs you wholeheartedly and rushes in headfirst with you to the most pit. This intense energy bleeds out from their record into their cataclysmic live show.  

The Los Angeles band has cut their teeth of the local DIY scene and are rightfully not a band content to have you sit back and watch the show from a safe distance, beer in hand. liily is here to let you lose yourself for one single moment. What they are offering up is an out-of-body experience found amongst their deluge of fuzzed out electric guitars, hypnotic lyrical repetition reminiscent of Talking Heads, and a sense of reckless abandonment that can only be found in the ecstasy of giving every fiber of your being to rock.  


From Spotify, that kid wearing the Black Flag t-shirt at your local thrift store, to now us, the growing sense of excitement surrounding lily is undeniable. And with I Can Fool Anybody in This Town, liily feels like they are on the brink of something truly special–a yet to be realized revolution in rock music.

While you wait for our upcoming  "All Eyes On" performance video with liily, listen below:  

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