Lucca Dohr Creates a World of His Own With 'Norwich' Videos

After the major success of Luca Dohr's first singles back in 2019, he's back with his first release of 2020. Norwich is a project from eighteen-year-old LA-native Lucca Dohr, consisting of "Alexa" and "Loosh98," both written and produced by Dohr and mixed by Dohr's father. Dohr also created visuals to accompany both songs. The songs blend effortlessly with each other, giving us a heavy sense of the relaxed and dreamy vibe he feels home within.
Like many, Dohr uses these songs to reflect on some of the most surreal months that the world has ever experienced. Dohr took the emotions tied to life flipping upside down, and the overwhelming amount of uncertainty and anxiety that has absolutely devoured everyone's day to day life and put them into a beautifully crafted project. Dohr explains that this project was a way to come to terms with everything going on,
"Norwich is a glimpse of my external and internal realities over the past couple of surreal months; it's about exploring how the beauty of my suburban roots has shaped me, and the emotions central to the person I've become. In particular, 'Loosh98' is about learning to understand my difficulties in opening up, and 'Alexa' is about frustrations in the uncertainties of a relationship and coming to terms with them."
Lucca Dohr has gone above and beyond with his creativity. Instead of just dropping these songs, he grants us access into his abstract mind with two incredible visuals. They detach you from real life for a short amount of time and put you in a trippy dream-like trance of uneasiness and emotion. Lucca Dohr has proven himself as an artist that can go above and beyond in creating a world of his own, and we're very much here for it.