From the Site

Welcome to the Transfixing World of sophie meiers
January 9, 2020
meiers is the Internet's best-kept secret. At least for now.
Maxamillion Polo

Arlo Parks Explores the Human Condition in 'Sophie'
December 2, 2019
Parks' latest collection is nothing short of awe-inspiring.
Bianca Brown

Damn Son, Where'd You Find These New Kim Petras, SOPHIE, and lil aaron Collabs
February 7, 2019
f there has ever been a pop pairing the world needed as much in 2019 as Kim Petras and SOPHIE, we have yet to hear it.
Maxamillion Polo

Welcome to the Transfixing World of sophie meiers
January 9, 2020
meiers is the Internet's best-kept secret. At least for now.
Maxamillion Polo

Arlo Parks Explores the Human Condition in 'Sophie'
December 2, 2019
Parks' latest collection is nothing short of awe-inspiring.
Bianca Brown

Damn Son, Where'd You Find These New Kim Petras, SOPHIE, and lil aaron Collabs
February 7, 2019
f there has ever been a pop pairing the world needed as much in 2019 as Kim Petras and SOPHIE, we have yet to hear it.
Maxamillion Polo