tibia Chase an Otherworldy High in ‘Two weeks of Gloria’ [Premiere + Q&A]

Photo: Frida Vega Salomonsson

We can’t pretend we know much about this group other than they have a brash sound that made us say hell yes to a premiere, especially as the video was a celebratory missive for oddness and weirdness we love. Why front that's there more to say, and waste no time digging into the one-of-a-kind revelation that is "Two weeks of Gloria" below.

 OnesToWatch: Who is tibia?

tibia: tibia is us, Elias and Vide, and our way of looking for meaning in a life where it’s all about chasing highs and running from lows. tibia is where we can have fun and come up with things we wouldn’t come up with anywhere else. 

Maybe just as important, who is Gloria?  

Gloria is everyone we have ever cared about personified. All she’s trynna do is live her little life and when she’s hungover and miserable we want her to remember that everything is okay. She’s gonna be alright. A really late night can become a rise-and-grind kind of morning if you just keep going <3 

How’d you come together as a group?  

We’ve known each other since high school but began to drift apart a few years ago. So we met up and had a reuniting bender and when we woke up in another city we had a band. 

Any collaborations on the track? Who produced it? 

No collab, just us. Most of the time it’s Vide sitting by the computer and Elias jumping up and down behind him. It’s all about give and take. 

How do you best explain your sound to a dull old person? 

It sounds stupid and fun but also dead serious. It's pop, it's punk, it's early 2000s. It sounds like a broken Lou Reed vinyl, maybe some Beach Boys, some Blur. Then you mix it and speed it all up and hope for the best. If the person is very old I guess we might have to also explain it very loudly.

What makes you happy once a song comes out? 

Just hearing it come alive outside of us and seeing a bunch of weird kids blasting it in a park while getting drunk on stolen wine. That’s the dream baby. 

Besides this excellent single, what else should we be on the lookout for? 

We’ve got plenty of music coming and if you’re in Gothenburg on the 10th or in Stockholm on the 14th of August - watch out! 

What's inspiring you right now outside of music? 

The Olympic games in Paris, we love athletes. Besides that, Vide spends a lot of time out of the sun reading manga and Elias just keeps chasing. 

 Dangerous activity or drink we must consume while listening to you? 

Tequila sunrise! It’s a dangerous combo with our music. Last time we had a tequila sunrise kinda night in the studio we both woke up with tramp stamps of our lyrics ”see what heaven looks like now”. 10/10 recommend. 

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