10 Questions With KIDS on Their First Singles "Alcohol & Cigarettes" and "Settle Down"

Fresh off the release of two impressive singles, "Alcohol & Cigarettes" and "Settle Down," dropped nigh-simultaneously, KIDS immediately grabbed our attention with their unique and obliging sound, a moody vibe that just felt right. Wanting to know more about this London-based duo, including their origin story, we reached out via e-mail to learn what makes the kids tick. 

Ones To Watch: Who is KIDS?  

KIDS: KIDS is the brainchild of Me (Beau Blaise) and Alex Harvey. Me and Al have been writing tunes together since we met at school. Over lockdown, we had time so we finished a bunch of new songs we’ve been working on. I just moved back to London and we were both coming out of breakups... which always helps write songs. Lockdown ended, people liked the songs and wanted us to play them live so we got our friends Shaq, Jess, Rory, and Anoushka to play them with us, and so KIDS was born.

What are "Alcohol & Cigarettes" and "Settle Down" all about? 

It's about how I dealt with breaking up with my first proper love after moving back to London. "Alcohol & Cigarettes" is about leaning on vices. Like alcohol, cigarettes, parties, and sex to distract you from how you’re really feeling… and how in the end it leaves you unfulfilled. "Settle Down" comes a bit later… while still leaning on these vices I started to actually properly LIKE someone again… and how even though you might not end up together or even have a romantic relationship this is a sign that things will get better.

Popping off with two singles, how did you settle on what songs to announce your arrival with? 

Like I said, the two are connected thematically, one comes directly after the other. Also I think it shows a fair range in our style. "Alcohol & Cigarettes" being more of a party tune and "Settle Down" being a softer, more intimate song.

Any collaborators? Who produced the two tracks? 

No collaborators. Al and I wrote them. I produced them. I’m a bad-boy producer ;)

How would you describe your style that seems to defy easy classification? 

LOL I’d say it defies classification. It’s a bit of everything we like… bit of indie, bit of hip hop… can also get a bit punky and psych but you haven’t seen that yet….

Can we expect more of this style in the future, potentially on an upcoming album? 

Yes, sir, we’ve got two EPs we’re launching. Love and the City 1 & 2. Love and the City 1 is all about first loves and how you deal with them and is more indie-ish. Love and the City 2 is about growing up in inner-city London and how it changes and you change with it. Sonically it's harsher and more experimental.

Besides these excellent singles, what else should we be on the lookout for? 

Our live shows. We’re playing a lot, so keep an eye out on our socials. We did a show last night and have a gig coming up at Gemma Bradley’s Whiplash night in London next week. We’re a crazy, chaotic, banging live band.

What's inspiring you right now outside of music? 

I just watched The Last Dance. I’ve never been into basketball but seeing how hard Michael Jordan went at basketball makes me wanna go harder at music.

If you could vacation anywhere right now...

Anywhere sunny. London's too grey right now

Who are your Ones To Watch?

Bawo's an up-and-coming rapper who’s killing it, sick visuals and style. Ratboy’s new project Lowlife is class but I’m biased as I produced them... Easy Life and Squid are bands we love and look up to. Easy Life's songs and Squid's Live show.

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