Alexandra Savior´s “Unforgivable” Ushers in a New Era of Saving

Photo by Angela Ricciardi

It's been 5 years since Alexandra Savior last released music, having dropped her latest album “The Archer” in 2020. In 2025 she signed to RCA Records and with the announcement of “Unforgivable," her first single in a while, we can only hope that a new Savior era is coming our way.

In the song, Savior tells us that she won't forgive, she won't forget and she is telling the world. Despite the lyrics stating a rather somber story, the rhythm manages to create a slightly dramatic effect, but keep things light and peppy. The first part of the song sees Savior wondering how she ended up in this situation, being naive and going along with someone she knew wasn't good. “Pompeii could not hold a candle to you," says Savior, making us wonder what the person the song is about did in order to be compared to a catastrophic volcanic explosion or worse. Towards the end, however, Savior gains some confidence to tell the person that she now realizes what has happened and is eventually going to get their revenge. We love a woman sticking up for herself!

The song immediately starts with a 1-2-3-4 drum beat that leads us into the song. The rhythm takes us to the 1950´s straight away, with a jazzy, synth piano, acoustic guitar and trumpets; creating a perfectly layered track. In comes Savior’s deep and classical vocals, which have a confident softness to them, her voice is truly something to behold. In the back we have a perfect chorus of Savior’s vocals adding even more texture. The track feels polished and mature, creating a song that could exist in a timeless manner.

Over the last few days Savior had been teasing us on social media with clips of film photography and stop-motion collages to announce the new song. In one of them Savior is stop-motioned into being a pawn in a game of chess; which could add a whole other layer of meaning to the song. 

Whilst “Unforgivable” departs from some of the rock sounds Savior used in her previous album, her sound still remains classic and true to her. “Unforgivable” is Savior's first track in years and if everything that follows is as timeless as this song, then we can't wait to see what comes next.

You can listen to “Unforgivable” here:

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