almost monday's New Music Video for "live forever" Is a Cinematic Triumph

Photo By: Kelly Hammond
We've been wowed by almost monday time and time again. Their high energy music gives us the boost we need to start the day off right. This time they're back with a visual that is bound to lock you in. The intriguing cinematography displayed throughout their new music video for "live forever" takes you on a wild search for the holy grail in search of the ability to…well…live forever.
Using classic film coloring, impeccable location scouting and a storyline that keeps you locked in, it seems like almost monday did everything right in this video. We follow the journey to the holy grail in order to fulfill their goal of being able to live forever. Singer Dawson Daughtery is focused on creating the best route to finding the grail. There's a pattern of clues and hints that keep us on our toes while we watch the chaos unravel right in front of our eyes. Director Nico Poalillo was able to express the story behind the song in a fun and interesting way. Far too often we see music videos repeating the same three scenes over and over again, inevitably losing interest after a minute in. Poalillo refrained from reusing a lot of the shots and kept the story moving along.
The song itself is beautifully orchestrated. An instant radio hit, "live forever" is an ode to those feeling the weight of being locked up inside, itching to break out and live life to its fullest. Maybe taking life for granted before 2020, we've taken the past year to reflect on how we've lived and have realized that life is too short not to live it to its fullest. The production as a whole is crisp, full and deep. It's a song we can roll our windows down to, blast as loud as we can, and simply live life like we're living forever.