From the Site

Old Fashioned Lover Boy Lets His Soul Loose with "I Pray" [PREMIERE]

Old Fashioned Lover Boy Lets His Soul Loose with "I Pray" [PREMIERE]

January 18, 2019 "'I Pray' is about the feeling of solitude and misunderstanding that each of us has had at least once in our life, when you feel you deserve more fulfillment from your life."
Author: Alissa Arunarsirakul
Emotional Oranges Concludes 3-Part Love Story in "Hold You Back"

Emotional Oranges Concludes 3-Part Love Story in "Hold You Back"

January 18, 2019 "We were inspired by the guitars on Sade's 'No Ordinary Love' all the way over to the drum beat on Drake's 'Just Hold On, We're Going Home.'"
Author: Alissa Arunarsirakul
The Moth & The Flame's Triumphant Return Has "Only Just Begun" [PREMIERE]

The Moth & The Flame's Triumphant Return Has "Only Just Begun" [PREMIERE]

January 17, 2019 An entrancing explosion of alternative rock, the new single will make you appreciate the beauty and simplicity of life's generous offerings.
Author: Alissa Arunarsirakul
FRENSHIP and Yoke Lore Reclaim Their Originality with "Wanted A Name"

FRENSHIP and Yoke Lore Reclaim Their Originality with "Wanted A Name"

January 16, 2019 "With this song we didn't try to think about genres or influences - we just let it happen."
Author: Alissa Arunarsirakul