Sam McGovern Wears His Heart on His Sleeve and Wants Others to Follow

“I try to capitalise on these opportunities and work harder to continue to grow.”

Sam McGovern might be a familiar face seen on your iPhone screens or the classic TV but there’s more to him than what meets the eye. Coming from humble beginnings in Perth, Australia, to now residing in Sydney, this singer-songwriter and guitarist is wielding even bigger aspirations than before. If he’s not seen doing clever campaigns he’s producing acoustics that strum the heartstrings of his listeners. 

The journey all started with a little Yamaha guitar on his birthday that propelled him to take an interest in music.While he carried music all throughout his life, pressure from peers set this passion back - settling his guitar back on the shelf at 17. This wasn’t the end for him though.

“That epiphany moment for me was driving back from Margaret River where I was living after I graduated. I was 19, I bought a John Mayer CD and I put it in the CD player in my car. The whole 2 hour drive home I was just kind of rocking out to it. That kind of made me realise ‘why did I ever put my guitar down’. I got home, pulled out my Fender strat that I had when I was 15 and dusted it off. Ever since then I've had no eggs in any other basket except for this. This is what I'm doing for the rest of my life. That was kind of my epiphany. It just clicked.”

Fast forward to now, Sam is firmly inspired to create tracks that tap into relatable sensibilities shared by everyone and anyone. Calm and contemplative, his sound creates an ambiance that urges you to relax or sing your heart out to every word. With lyricism as honest and heartfelt as ever, this singer-songwriter is translating unspoken feelings into dynamic melodies packaged into an array of smooth and warm tones. Often when words fail, his music is what speaks for most.

“I've always been big on lyricism. I really want to make sure that they resonate and they can mean something, and writing “Memory” for me was this big change. I co-wrote that with one of my close friends and he was really critical of the melodies.”

Excitingly enough, we can expect more to come from this Perth musician. There’s only a handful of tracks under his belt but his unreleased work is what shows his immense growth as an artist and what he’s most proud of to date. 

"The work that I have not released yet is what I am most proud of…My previous releases have all been very folky, which was a beginning for me but am now transitioning to a more universal sound with this upcoming EP"

After the many lessons learnt throughout his career and with the likes of John Mayer and Leon Bridges guiding his sound, his most recent release “Memory” highlights his bloom as an artist and we can only expect even greater hits to come.

Unconfined to a box, Sam values innovation and courage. No stranger to that feeling, his methods to his madness is what sets him apart from others. From plastering his hometown with banners, huge signs on iconic landmarks and most notably approaching strangers singing his new songs, he’s known to make an impression. With his persistence and undying love for his career, Sam McGovern is fully committed to telling his story in every way possible. 

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